Leadership Archives - AiThority https://aithority.com/tag/leadership/ Artificial Intelligence | News | Insights | AiThority Wed, 03 Jan 2024 07:37:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://aithority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/cropped-0-2951_aithority-logo-hd-png-download-removebg-preview-32x32.png Leadership Archives - AiThority https://aithority.com/tag/leadership/ 32 32 Experts Discuss HR & Future Of Work Predictions For 2024 https://aithority.com/machine-learning/experts-discuss-hr-future-of-work-predictions-for-2024/ Wed, 03 Jan 2024 07:37:08 +0000 https://aithority.com/?p=555423 Experts Discuss HR & Future Of Work Predictions For 2024

Advancements in generative AI significantly reshaped the way businesses operate in 2023. Many HR teams and departments began experimenting with these tools to streamline tasks and improve efficiencies. As we look ahead to 2024, what can we expect from generative AI when it comes to the future of work? We asked six technology experts to […]

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Experts Discuss HR & Future Of Work Predictions For 2024

Advancements in generative AI significantly reshaped the way businesses operate in 2023. Many HR teams and departments began experimenting with these tools to streamline tasks and improve efficiencies. As we look ahead to 2024, what can we expect from generative AI when it comes to the future of work? We asked six technology experts to share their predictions.

Effective AI Governance Will Be Integral

AI is already embedded into our daily lives in many ways, and we should expect this trend to not only continue, but flourish, in 2024.

According to Gartner research, more than 80% of businesses are set to use Generative AI by 2026.

However, Ed Challis, Head of AI Strategy and General Manager for Communications Mining, UiPath argues that “the ability to deploy the technology responsibly is still largely immature, with concerns from executives around risk and governance.

“2024 will be the year this perception changes and organizations see AI progress from aspiration to implementation,” said Challis. “Effective AI governance is critical for driving strong AI results. If implemented correctly, it can go further than positively affecting productivity and efficiency – it can also enhance an organization’s risk and governance posture.”

AI’s Increasing Importance In Recruitment & Training

When looking at recruitment and training, Merijn te Booij, GM of Workforce Engagement at Genesys believes that AI will be used by companies to transform how they approach training and employee attrition.

“I predict next year we will see generative AI transform employee training and curriculum building,” said te Booij. “Currently, companies deliver standardized training across their workforce or employee segments in like-roles because it’s not scalable to tailor it to individuals. Often, we see the same training applies to senior, long-tenured people-leaders as it does junior-level staffers who are still early in their careers. Generative AI capabilities will vastly reshape how organizations build training personalized to each employee. It will also help organizations automate coaching, making it more efficient to deliver individualized support based on the precise needs of each employee.

In the future, te Booij believes that “organizations will also be able to tap into generative AI to help them predict attrition, retention, and career possibilities. Through more personalized coaching and training, it can provide insights into understanding which employees may leave or who may have higher potential. This will be discerned from signals within conversations, displayed behaviors, and performance, helping organizations understand where their employees fall on the spectrum so they can personalize plans to re-engage them, assign training, and help them advance their careers.”

Pamela Maynard, CEO, Avanade agrees, highlighting the countless benefits of adopting AI within business to streamline recruitment:

“AI allows recruiters to use the power of data to make better decisions, which can include analyzing CVs and job applications as well as assisting with the sourcing and screening of candidates. As AI begins to develop and has more data behind it, the technology can carry out tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as predicting a candidate’s success ahead of hiring and even how they may fit culturally, in an organization.

“With the help of AI in their role, recruiters can be more creative, and innovative and bring bold ideas to their work. With AI on hand to help with administrative tasks, workers can gain around 20 additional hours per week. The recruiting process becomes more time-efficient for recruiters as time-consuming and repetitive tasks such as screening, candidate sourcing, and initial communications can become automated.”

Humanity Is At The Core Of Our AI Innovation Journey

However, with AI permeating into so many of our lives, businesses will find themselves in need of a balance between new technologies and the essential human element. Companies will ponder how best to upskill the workforce alongside advancing technology, for organizational growth.

In line with maintaining the human element, Aaron Skonnard, CEO and Co-Founder of Pluralsight argues that “if you want to get the most out of AI, and any other technology, you need people with the skills to leverage that technology and who have skills across other domains important to your business.

AI can only take an organization so far. It’s the humans powering the technology that will truly drive innovation.

Skonnard also believes that “the next wave of tech learning requires leaders to bring learning directly to their teams, within the flow of work. Learning should become more of a conversation today, where content is the answer to specific questions that arise in the flow of work. Tech learning solutions need to embrace that conversational modality and experience. By making learning a natural part of technologists’ workflow, organizations will naturally begin to see their skills gaps close.”

The Centerpiece Of Leadership Transformation: Putting Employees At The Core

With employee expectations on the rise, we anticipate seeing a paradigm shift towards employee-centric leadership that fosters transparency, work/life balance, and a transformation in organizational strategies to meet these evolving workforce expectations.

Richa Gupta, CHRO, Globalization Partners (G-P) highlights that the future of work is here, but notes it is time for the leaders of the future to stand up and prioritize promoting a flexible workforce to maintain the UK’s position as a leading global economy for the new year.

“Employees expect more from leadership than ever before – more transparency, more commitment to work/life balance, and more willingness to incorporate their sentiments and preferences into the workplace. The mindset has shifted from ‘my paycheque to my purpose’; ‘my boss to my coach’; ‘my annual performance review to ongoing development conversations’. It is not an employer’s market anymore; it’s an employee’s market and workers aren’t afraid to search elsewhere to find a workplace, or leader, that fits their needs.

Gupta believes that in response “there will continue to be not only a transformation of leadership styles but in the overall organization of leadership strategy. Successful leaders will need to prioritize qualities and strategies that promote a flexible and open-minded workforce where credibility, reliability, and trust are paramount.”

Collaborative Teamwork Set To Shift Towards Greater Intentionality

With the evolving challenges that ensue from responsibly navigating the adoption of AI within business, Bryan Stallings, Chief Evangelist, Lucid Software predicts that “2024 will see teams becoming more confident and intentional about increasing the frequency with which they collaborate asynchronously.

“This shift is being driven by firms realizing that endless follow-up and planning meetings are hindering impactful collaboration and productivity. Effective working will continue to be defined by positive outcomes and the journey of how teams achieve those outcomes will be equally important. Additional gains will be realized as teams continue to embrace agile practices, and leverage techniques that help them to align more quickly on a shared vision and collaborate effectively to deliver great results.

Stallings concludes that as this future of work continues to take shape over the next twelve months, we will soon be saying, “How did we ever work any other way?”

A Glimpse Into 2024

As seen in 2023, it’s clear AI is reshaping the workforce of the future. 2024 will likely continue to bring surprising developments in AI applications, presenting new opportunities for companies to enhance employee support, whilst also streamlining processes.

However, the impact of AI on the world of work in 2024 and beyond is still unfolding. Business leaders must seize the moment here to implement upskilling initiatives, so employees have access to effective and continuous tech training regimes that will boost their familiarity with the integral tools moulding the future of work.

[To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com]

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Ribbon’s STIR/SHAKEN Solution in France Implemented by Bandwidth as Part of Global Technology https://aithority.com/it-and-devops/cloud/ribbons-stir-shaken-solution-in-france-implemented-by-bandwidth-as-part-of-global-technology/ Fri, 28 Jul 2023 13:58:12 +0000 https://aithority.com/?p=534618 Ribbon's STIRSHAKEN Solution in France Implemented by Bandwidth as Part of Global Technology Partnership Expansion

 Ribbon Communications a global provider of real time communications technology and IP optical networking solutions to many of the world’s largest service providers, enterprises, and critical infrastructure operators to modernize and protect their networks announced the expansion of its ongoing relationship with Bandwidth, a leading global enterprise cloud communications company. Recommended: AiThority Interview with Brigette McInnis-Day, […]

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Ribbon's STIRSHAKEN Solution in France Implemented by Bandwidth as Part of Global Technology Partnership Expansion

 Ribbon Communications a global provider of real time communications technology and IP optical networking solutions to many of the world’s largest service providers, enterprises, and critical infrastructure operators to modernize and protect their networks announced the expansion of its ongoing relationship with Bandwidth, a leading global enterprise cloud communications company.

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“Ribbon is an important technology partner for us, and we’re pleased to expand our longtime collaboration, including leveraging their expertise with STIR/SHAKEN compliance in France,” said Scott Mullen, Chief Technology Officer at Bandwidth. “Previous implementations with Ribbon, such as global SBC and PSX deployments, have been instrumental as we scale our enterprise-grade APIs and Bandwidth Communications Cloud around the world. We look forward to our continued engagement.”

Ribbon’s STIR/SHAKEN solution, part of its comprehensive Ribbon Call Trust portfolio, is designed to fulfill  the requirements for caller identity authentication, signing, and verification, as defined by French law as part of the MAN (Mécanisme d’Authentification des Numéros) Project conducted by French telecommunications regulator ARCEP. Bandwidth is also deploying a three-node, geographically redundant Secure Telephony Identity (STI) solution to ensure reliable delivery of the STIR/SHAKEN functions mandated for the French market.

“With projects such as STIR/SHAKEN deployment in France, our strategic relationship with Bandwidth continues to grow, and we look forward to supporting their technology leadership as Bandwidth further executes on its vision to become the partner of choice for global enterprise cloud communications,” said Dennis Murray, Vice President US Service Provider Sales, Ribbon.

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What Is Left for Leaders When We All Become AI-Powered? https://aithority.com/machine-learning/what-is-left-for-leaders-when-we-all-become-ai-powered/ Wed, 14 Jun 2023 06:14:35 +0000 https://aithority.com/?p=525809 Embrace AI to become a W.I.T.C.H. Leader What Is Left for Leaders When We All Become AI-Powered?

To fully explore the theme of leadership and Artificial Intelligence, I encourage you to read my previous article titled Embrace AI to Become a W.I.T.C.H. Leader (LINK). It provides valuable insights that complement this piece, which delves deeper into the topic. In the first article, I discussed how ordinary AI tools that are becoming available, […]

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Embrace AI to become a W.I.T.C.H. Leader What Is Left for Leaders When We All Become AI-Powered?

To fully explore the theme of leadership and Artificial Intelligence, I encourage you to read my previous article titled Embrace AI to Become a W.I.T.C.H. Leader (LINK). It provides valuable insights that complement this piece, which delves deeper into the topic.

In the first article, I discussed how ordinary AI tools that are becoming available, can enhance the role of leaders. The W.I.T.C.H stands for imaginative co-pilots – Why, Idea, Talks, Conclusion, and Happenchance – that will transform and empower our meetings, ideations, communications, decision-making, and serendipity.

But once these tools are available and used by every leader, what will differentiate the good leaders from the bad ones?

Counterintuitively, I believe that the more AI-powered we become, the more human we must be. Obviously, we will be surrounded by technology, but our essence needs to be more focused on the deeply human aspects we have.

And, this applies to leadership.

HBR released an interesting article recently – As AI Makes More Decisions, the Nature of Leadership Will Change (LINK) – showing how Humility, Adaptability, Vision, and Engagement will be key factors of success for leaders in the AI era.

I could not agree more with what @Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, @Michael Ward, and @Jennifer Jordan put in the article, although their conclusion looks too polished to me: Does all this suggest that leadership is radically different in the AI age? No, but there are two key distinctions. First, leaders’ hard skills will continue to be eclipsed by smart machines, while their soft skills will become ever more important. Second, while timeless leadership traits like integrity and emotional intelligence will no doubt remain important, leaders in the AI age need to be humble about others’ contributions, adaptable to the challenges that get thrown into their paths, steadfast in their vision of the ultimate destination on this path, and constantly engaged with the changing world around them.”

I believe AI will disrupt leadership as we know it.. If we add to the tools (W.I.T.C.H.) that will enhance our day-to-day work, all the profound impact that AI will bring to human capacity, it won’t be an evolution, but in fact, a radical revolution in leadership. Time will tell.

Why do I think so? I will try to offer you some thoughts, less of a rationale.

Come with me.

Essential skills* are basically the most important aspects of leadership and are dramatically undervalued and underestimated. We value hard skills so much. We produce studies, books, papers, etc that want to rationalize our way of thinking, decision-making, and executing that, all the rest, sounds complementary, useless, or just a “nice to have.” I believe this to be absolutely wrong! (*) I don’t even like calling them “soft skills” as it diminishes the most important part of our skill set.

Essential skills are what make leaders. Period. But, this is not what we believe today.

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There are books and authors that have explored how our more human capabilities are powerful and, at the end of the day, what makes us who we are: creative, capable of living in society, and innovative. From Malcolm Gladwell (Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking – here), where he clearly explains how we make decisions in a less rational way than we believe, to Simon Sinek (The Infinite Game – here), where he talks about just cause, trust and existential flexibility, to also non-business authors like Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini & Richard Lannon (A General Theory of Love – here), where the authors study what really builds relationships and human connections: love, just to mention a few. It’s clear enough to me that what makes us human is our essential skills. If leadership is about people, what makes us great leaders is also about people.

AI will be the strongest invitation we ever have had to use our essential skills in a world that overvalues our hard skills and thinks that leaders are rational thinkers. Most of us leaders might think this way. Can you imagine a top Fortune 500 CEO saying in an earnings call that they are orchestrating the company in a certain direction because of their guts?

Or, because of their intuition?

In an Artificial Intelligence world, the rationale will be better executed by machines. We humans will need to play much more with our essential skills, otherwise, no one will need us! And we will need to admit it.

Naked we are.

Or, we will be soon.

In the way the pandemic put us naked in front of our lives, work, and families, and we had to face it without any prep time, AI is putting us naked in front of our way of leading people. And, it will happen simply because most of our work today, as leaders, is based on things that co-pilots or AI tools will help us do in much better, less emotional, more pragmatic, and more efficient ways. And when that happens – and it will happen soon – we will be totally naked, with not much to offer to the people we lead.

When you read the phrase “nothing will replace the leadership capacity of a human”, I am positive that it was written by someone filled with fear and in denial. First, there is no way to stop the movement. Secondly, there is a complete lack of self-criticism in humans when it comes to our capacity of leading people. The in-the-roof levels of burn-outs and work unhappiness are just two of the brutal facts in front of us.

The list is immense.

Human leadership is full of challenges and there is an urge for change. I can agree with the excellence of humans as leaders, for sure, but not in the current format.

We will be exposed and naked in front of our organizations and the people we lead. Is this a bad thing or a good thing?

I believe it to be a blessing.

AIntuition or AI-Guts, AI-Empathy, AI-Connection, AI-SelfCriticism, AI-Listening… our essential skills when powered by AI, and used for good and with respect, will multiply by 100s or 1000s our leadership capacity, just because it will multiply our essential skills capacity by 100s or 1000s.

We will be capable of understanding and communicating so much better, we will be able to do self-assessments in an unimaginable way today, and we will be able to access our intuitions, guts, or whatever name you give to it, in a way much more effective than we can do today, we will be able to listen with a presence we suffer to have today, we will be able to create human connections in such a way that we might sound today more like machines than humans. And we will be able to access our shadows, our fears, and our evil sentiments too, and have better tools to deal with them.

The industrial revolution gave us wings, wheels, speed, etc etc. The AI revolution is giving us creativity, imagination, criticism, and innovation. And is bringing all this in a magical way, that the fear of the moment doesn’t let us see.

There is a rationale I am trying to offer here, but, being dramatically honest, a  lot of what I am writing here is purely based on what I feel. As a creative person, a blank page absolutely excites me and I am letting my brain and my heart fly here.

With no intention to be right, but to be provocative and open. As my own exercise is to be open.

Imagine a world where our essential skills are the most important competencies we have, combined with the chance of being naked and invited to review all our values and knowledge, including our beliefs, prejudice, and bias, and, finally, where our more profound capacities like intuition, empathy, and human connections are exponentially enhanced? Isn’t this a world that we would like to live in?

I can see it being scary once it is completely different from all we know, but isn’t it a fascinating possibility?

I think it is.

Will it be bad or good? It depends on the way we react to it.

For those who are open to change and embrace it as an opportunity for change, I believe it will be just amazing. Why? Because AI will help us be more human, our integrity will increase and we will feel much better about our roles and lives as leaders. After being naked, we will be able to dress lighter, be more ourselves and care much more about what matters: people.

Aren’t there immense challenges for it to happen? Oh, yes, absolutely. And the most important one is us!

A few years ago I saw a provocation at an event, it was something like this: “What if.. the biggest problem in our world – was you?”

In the Artificial intelligence revolution, you might be the biggest challenge to yourself if you don’t open to unlearning, un-building, and unknowing.

Your beliefs will be profoundly questioned and if you deeply believe this will be bad, for you it will.

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FourKites Receives 2023 Gartner Marketing and Communications Award for Thought Leadership and Data-Rich Insights https://aithority.com/technology/fourkites-receives-2023-gartner-marketing-and-communications-award-for-thought-leadership-and-data-rich-insights/ Wed, 07 Jun 2023 10:44:52 +0000 https://aithority.com/?p=523874 FourKites Receives 2023 Gartner Marketing and Communications Award for Thought Leadership and Data-Rich Insights

Leading supply chain visibility provider FourKites has been named winner of the 2023 Gartner Marketing and Communications Awards for Excellence in Reputation and Thought Leadership. Selected by a panel of leading chief marketing officers and chief content officers, FourKites was selected for its use of real-time data and dissemination of strong executive perspective throughout the supply chain disruptions of […]

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FourKites Receives 2023 Gartner Marketing and Communications Award for Thought Leadership and Data-Rich Insights

Leading supply chain visibility provider FourKites has been named winner of the 2023 Gartner Marketing and Communications Awards for Excellence in Reputation and Thought Leadership. Selected by a panel of leading chief marketing officers and chief content officers, FourKites was selected for its use of real-time data and dissemination of strong executive perspective throughout the supply chain disruptions of 2022, providing much-needed analysis and insights.

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When COVID-19 triggered an unprecedented disruption of supply chains, FourKites tapped its market-leading repository of high-quality global supply chain data to provide businesses, consumers, media and analysts with up-to-the-minute perspectives of developing events. As a provider of real-time supply chain visibility for more than 1,200 of the world’s largest global brands, FourKites leveraged insights from over 3 million global shipments a day to fill the void of trade and shipping data during a time of worldwide concern and confusion.
“We are proud that leading news organizations and customers alike continue to look to us as the go-to resource for real-time supply-chain insights,” Elenjickal said. “The Gartner Marketing and Communications Award is an honor that underscores our commitment to provide ever better and deeper information to help companies understand developing issues with their supply chains, take immediate action, head off problems and enable their operations to excel.”
Gartner, which has named FourKites a Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platforms (RTTVPs) for three consecutive years, stated that the communications award winners were “notable for their use of data to inform decision making and their relentless drive for innovation.” In particular, FourKites was recognized for its use of real-time data insights to inform trend stories about the impact of supply chain disruptions, curating strong executive insights on industry trends, and putting a spotlight on how leading companies were dealing with issues and fortifying their supply chains.

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These insights served a vast audience of news reporters, analysts and consumers. As interest in and concern over supply chains intensified, FourKites’ blog readership soared 75% in 2022. More than 500 news stories featured FourKites’ data and insights from FourKites experts, including publications such as CNBC, Reuters, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal. NBC News, Bloomberg and other international news outlets.
FourKites continues to earn accolades for the quality of its data and maturity of its end-to-end, multimodal platform that connects the global supply chains of 50% of the Fortune 500, including customers such as Cardinal Health, Bayer, Henkel, Dow, Cargill, Henkel, Coca-Cola, Constellation Brands, 3M, RHI Magnesita and Eastman.

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[To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com]

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3 Keys to Drive Success as a Chief Strategy Officer https://aithority.com/technology/3-keys-to-drive-success-as-a-chief-strategy-officer/ Sat, 18 Mar 2023 17:08:19 +0000 https://aithority.com/?p=501444 3 Keys to Drive Success as a Chief Strategy Officer

Confronted with increasingly complex market dynamics, government regulations and changing consumer behavior, executive leaders face pressure to continuously evolve strategies to adapt in today’s unpredictable environment – and get ahead. That’s where the Chief Strategy Officer steps in. Over the past decade, the Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) title has become more popular as the C-Suite […]

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3 Keys to Drive Success as a Chief Strategy Officer

Confronted with increasingly complex market dynamics, government regulations and changing consumer behavior, executive leaders face pressure to continuously evolve strategies to adapt in today’s unpredictable environment – and get ahead. That’s where the Chief Strategy Officer steps in.

Over the past decade, the Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) title has become more popular as the C-Suite invests in value positions. A 2020 study from Charles Aris found that over 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies have invested in a CSO or equivalent title, whereas in 2013, that number was only 50 percent. 

Reporting to the CEO, and working closely with the CFO and CTO, the CSO acts as the consultant of the C-Suite, keeping a pulse on the various dimensions of business and ensuring each micro-strategy blends into the cohesive macro-vision of the company. CSOs identify, formulate and execute the strategies needed for a company’s long-term success. In recent years, that’s meant navigating trends in digitization, supply chain complexities, and a global pandemic, among others.

In 2023, CSOs will be tasked with protecting core business operations amid uncertainties while driving long-term growth initiatives to position their organization to thrive – rather than survive.

Here are three things newly hired CSOs should consider in preparing their businesses for a slowing economy.

Demand a seat at the table for enterprise technology strategy 

Advanced technologies have enabled incredible possibilities, unlocking significant potential in productivity and growth. Now, companies are looking for ways to cut costs and streamline operations. CSOs should focus on closing the gap between technology and business by playing a prominent role in crafting a focused enterprise technology strategy and harmonizing the technology-driven changes with the Chief Technology Officer’s team.

Companies may hesitate to make new investments in an unpredictable economy. Still, technology investments – like contract intelligence or customer relationship management platforms – help teams stay organized and ensure their business stays ahead. To advocate for new technologies, CSOs must promote digital transformation that helps drive the most impactful business outcomes – increased revenue, reduced costs, improved compliance and mitigated risk. CSOs must also drive a knowledge management culture. This means implementing ways to measure how successful these investments are against the company’s long-term growth goals. Establishing documentation systems and KPIs are key to ensuring CSOs can understand and communicate business value.

New technologies often mean a new way of working, and CSOs should prioritize supporting employees as they navigate shifting workflows. This is where capability building becomes essential. Amid digital transformations, capability building goes beyond traditional training lessons. It ignites excitement, allowing employees to embrace new technologies and feel confident in doing so. Examples include bringing in outside expertise or identifying role models within the company to lead individual teams.

Power social impact

Revenue margins are no longer the only indicator of a company’s success – being a purposeful enterprise has become critical. In 2023, ESG and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives will remain a focus as stakeholder and consumer expectations continue to mount, and new external reporting processes come into play.

According to 36 percent of executives surveyed for the Economist Impact report, a boost to sustainability goals was one of the most significant benefits of high trust levels in business relationships, particularly related to internal company performance.

The CSO is responsible for helping the company implement strategies that mitigate risk and future-proof brand identity. And, collaborating with business partners and customers is an integral aspect of staying apprised of the latest ESG technologies and solutions to promote innovation for social good.

CSOs are also responsible for understanding if ESG goals are being met across each business dimension. Amid an economic downturn and increasing socio-political expectations, companies should maintain sight of the importance of ESG and DEI and continuously communicate these initiatives as a top priority to the CEO. 

Act as the CEO’s consultant

It’s not uncommon for CSOs to serve as consultants earlier in their careers. The ability to be multi-disciplined across various department functions gives CSOs a broad perspective of complex challenges and opportunities facing organizations today. It lends credibility to serve as a valuable advisor.

CSOs must work closely with the CEO to ensure their vision is met with action, and in 2023, this role as the company’s advisor will be essential. Over the coming months, we will see continued investment in the CSO role as the C-Suite looks to stay ahead of the curve.

In 2023, CSOs must elevate their role as a consultant to the C-Suite, providing a holistic view across the different elements of their business. This means that CSOs are responsible for understanding the viewpoint of every stakeholder and bringing their ideas to the executive table. A Chief Strategist encourages regular collaboration to ensure decisions are made through diverse perspectives.


The rise of the CSO has vastly evolved over the last decade, having been once excluded from the boardroom and key decision-making to now being seen as essential to shaping the strategy and future of business. However, research shows only 21% of women hold the CSO seat. As technology evolves, companies will need a diverse tech leadership, particularly female CSO representation. Companies that commit to removing barriers to women’s advancement will generate a more diverse vision for the business and reap benefits like financial performance metrics, reduced risk performance, and improved environmental, social, and governance. Further, newly-hired women CSOs have the opportunity and important responsibility to support and advance other women in pursuing leadership roles like the CSO title.

Overall, CSOs are essential to the management board, guiding their companies through the near and long term. In 2023, they will continue to play an integral role in implementing advanced technologies to drive efficiency and business success, all while guiding decision-making to balance purposeful strategy with business strategy to ensure all shareholder expectations are met. CSOs must be multi-disciplined to achieve the many capabilities of the role – often several at once – and that requires an aggregate and skillful approach. As a newly-hired CSO, your ability to solve problems at a macro level, recognize patterns, work cross-functionally with teams, and stay on top of market trends will help provide strategic impact and position a business to grow in 2023 and beyond.

[To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com]

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AIS Healthcare Earns URAC Accreditation for Specialty Pharmacy https://aithority.com/technology/ais-healthcare-earns-urac-accreditation-for-specialty-pharmacy/ Fri, 03 Mar 2023 11:06:33 +0000 https://aithority.com/?p=496230 AIS Healthcare Earns URAC Accreditation for Specialty Pharmacy

The designation continues to reflect AIS Healthcare’s commitment to advancing quality at its compounding pharmacies in Mississippi and Texas as well as Advanced Infusion Care locations in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Texas AIS Healthcare is proud to announce that its two state-of-the-art 503A compounding pharmacies which produce patient-specific prescriptions for targeted drug delivery (TDD), […]

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AIS Healthcare Earns URAC Accreditation for Specialty Pharmacy

The designation continues to reflect AIS Healthcare’s commitment to advancing quality at its compounding pharmacies in Mississippi and Texas as well as Advanced Infusion Care locations in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Texas

AIS Healthcare is proud to announce that its two state-of-the-art 503A compounding pharmacies which produce patient-specific prescriptions for targeted drug delivery (TDD), and its five Advanced Infusion Care locations (Valdosta, Georgia; Birmingham, Alabama; Clinton, Mississippi; Panama City, Florida; Dallas, Texas) have received the prestigious URAC accreditation for Specialty Pharmacy.

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“Throughout AIS Healthcare, we’re focused on doing more of what matters throughout the care continuum”

URAC is the independent leader in promoting healthcare quality through leadership, accreditation, measurement and innovation. By achieving re-accredited status, AIS Healthcare has demonstrated its commitment to going above and beyond to improve quality at every point along the care continuum.

“These accreditations are validation of what we do day in and day out—advancing quality,” said Michelle Wiest, Chief Operations Officer, AIS Healthcare. “It’s a prestigious recognition, and we’re proud to receive it for six of our leading pharmacies.”

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AIS Healthcare is the leading targeted drug delivery and infusion care provider. In addition to compounding patient-specific prescriptions at its state-of-the-art 503A specialty pharmacies and providing personalized in-home infusion services, AIS Healthcare also offers a comprehensive suite of services to support both patients and providers.

“Throughout AIS Healthcare, we’re focused on doing more of what matters throughout the care continuum,” said Cindy Dumas, Vice President of Pharmacy Services and Pharmacist-in-Charge, Ridgeland. “This recognition from URAC shows how doing more to advance quality truly does result in meaningful improvements for patients and providers.”

AIS Healthcare is dually accredited by URAC and the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC), further setting it apart from other compounding pharmacies and infusion services providers.

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 [To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com] 

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Sunwest Bank Secures Multiyear Partnership with CRE FinTech Blooma https://aithority.com/machine-learning/sunwest-bank-secures-multiyear-partnership-with-cre-fintech-blooma/ Tue, 06 Dec 2022 12:03:02 +0000 https://aithority.com/?p=469205 Sunwest Bank Secures Multiyear Partnership with CRE FinTech Blooma

Sunwest Bank announced the renewal of its partnership with emergent FinTech, Blooma, as part of a larger digital transformation initiative. The multiyear contract represents a longstanding relationship between the two entities that began in 2021 with the adoption of Blooma to help automate and streamline the bank’s portfolio management processes for its commercial real estate […]

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Sunwest Bank Secures Multiyear Partnership with CRE FinTech Blooma

Sunwest Bank announced the renewal of its partnership with emergent FinTech, Blooma, as part of a larger digital transformation initiative. The multiyear contract represents a longstanding relationship between the two entities that began in 2021 with the adoption of Blooma to help automate and streamline the bank’s portfolio management processes for its commercial real estate arm.

Sunwest, which serves the Western United States and has over $2 billion in assets, is well known for its aggressive stance on tech adoption at the helm of President Carson Lappetito. Under his leadership, the bank has kicked off a comprehensive plan to overhaul and optimize internal processes in the name of superior client experience. A task that has been accomplished in partnership with key players in the banking technology space – most recently, with Blooma.

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“At Sunwest Bank, our vision and focus on digitization, process improvement, and enhancing our customer experience, is of paramount importance. This is achieved through build-versus-buy analysis, selecting, and integrating the best and most innovative technology solutions to deliver real value to our users and customers. As such, Sunwest Bank is pleased to partner with Blooma.ai to integrate and leverage their platform into our CRE processes and workflows to accelerate our underwriting processes and expedite lending decisions to our customers,” says Matthew March, Chief Information Officer for Sunwest Bank.

Blooma is a web-based platform purposely designed for the CRE segment and offers a centralized, fully digital CRE solution that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to automate the underwriting process and allows CRE professionals to evaluate (and close) more deals in less time. The platform includes two core use cases – a CRE origination intelligence suite that optimizes the deal evaluation process and a CRE portfolio intelligence platform that drives ongoing monitoring efficiencies and reduced credit risk.

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Today, Sunwest is currently leveraging the monitoring capabilities of the platform to consolidate and digitize their entire CRE portfolio and plans to expand their use of the platform to pre-flight in the coming months.

Most importantly, the Blooma platform aims to solve the larger connectivity issue for banks with its flexible architecture that makes for a light implementation and seamless integration with existing tools, a key feature for Sunwest’s growing technology stack. Together, the leadership at both Blooma and Sunwest are working to curate a best-of-breed tech stack as part of a frictionless experience for their CRE team.

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[To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com]

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TandemAI Announces Appointment of Steve Swann, Ph.D., as Chief Scientific Officer https://aithority.com/medical-apps/healthcare-management/tandemai-announces-appointment-of-steve-swann-ph-d-as-chief-scientific-officer/ Mon, 29 Aug 2022 14:28:12 +0000 https://aithority.com/?p=442318 TandemAI Announces Appointment of Steve Swann, Ph.D., as Chief Scientific Officer

TandemAI announced the appointment of Steve Swann, Ph.D., to the newly created position of Chief Scientific Officer. Dr. Swann joins TandemAI with nearly 20 years of research and research leadership experience in medicinal and computational chemistry at large and emerging pharmaceutical companies, most recently at Exscientia, where he was Vice President of Medicinal Chemistry (US). […]

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TandemAI Announces Appointment of Steve Swann, Ph.D., as Chief Scientific Officer

TandemAI announced the appointment of Steve Swann, Ph.D., to the newly created position of Chief Scientific Officer. Dr. Swann joins TandemAI with nearly 20 years of research and research leadership experience in medicinal and computational chemistry at large and emerging pharmaceutical companies, most recently at Exscientia, where he was Vice President of Medicinal Chemistry (US).

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Steve is a leader in integrating advanced computational methods with medicinal chemistry for small molecule drug design who brings an outstanding track record in drug discovery,” said Jeff He, MBA, TandemAI’s co-founder and CEO. “He has been instrumental to bringing multiple drugs from discovery into clinical trials, two of which are marketed. With his addition to our team, we are well positioned to serve the drug discovery needs of our rapidly growing client base.” He noted that since TandemAI was established in late 2021 with $25M venture funding from OrbiMed and Chengwei Capital, the company has built a client roster of two dozen biotech companies.

“TandemAI’s approach of combining advanced computational tools, and artificial Intelligence with wet lab capabilities and a fully integrated data infrastructure offers a new paradigm in client-driven drug discovery enablement,” said Dr. Swann. “Working with our outstanding team at the interface of computation and experimentation is an unprecedented opportunity to apply this integrated discovery infrastructure in partnership with drug discovery companies across the industry.

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Dr. Swann joined Exscientia from Silicon Therapeutics, a physics-driven drug discovery company now part of Roivant Discovery, where he held several research leadership positions of increasing responsibility, most recently Vice President Chemistry and Design. Prior to Silicon Therapeutics, he served at Takeda Pharmaceuticals, AbbVie, and DuPont Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Swann holds a B.S. in Chemistry from Saint Francis University and a Ph.D. In Chemistry from the University of Delaware.

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[To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com]

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InterDigital’s Xiaofei Wang Appointed Chair of the IEEE 802.11 Topic Interest Group (TIG) for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML) https://aithority.com/machine-learning/interdigitals-xiaofei-wang-appointed-chair-of-the-ieee-802-11-topic-interest-group-tig-for-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-aiml/ Tue, 26 Jul 2022 10:23:02 +0000 https://aithority.com/?p=431585 InterDigital’s Xiaofei Wang Appointed Chair of the IEEE 802.11 Topic Interest Group (TIG) for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML)

Critical role oversees group established to explore AIML use cases for Wi-Fi  InterDigital, Inc. a mobile and video technology research and development company, applauded the appointment of Xiaofei Wang to serve as Chair of the Topic Interest Group for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML) in IEEE 802.11, the IEEE working group dedicated to standards […]

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InterDigital’s Xiaofei Wang Appointed Chair of the IEEE 802.11 Topic Interest Group (TIG) for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML)

Critical role oversees group established to explore AIML use cases for Wi-Fi

 InterDigital, Inc. a mobile and video technology research and development company, applauded the appointment of Xiaofei Wang to serve as Chair of the Topic Interest Group for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML) in IEEE 802.11, the IEEE working group dedicated to standards for wireless local area networks (WLAN).

The IEEE 802.11 AIML TIG is responsible for identifying and exploring potential use cases for AIML for Wi-Fi and will specifically describe AIML use cases applicable in 802.11 Wi-Fi systems. In addition, the topic interest group will investigate the technical feasibility of features that enable support for AIML.

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“We congratulate Xiaofei for this important leadership appointment, as it is a significant recognition of his research career and dedicated participation throughout 802.11 standards development,” said Rajesh Pankaj, Chief Technology Officer, InterDigital. “This position will greatly increase InterDigital’s contribution to the operation of IEEE 802.11 working group and standardization process for new technologies, such as AIML for WLAN.”

In addition to his leadership role in the AIML TIG, Xiaofei also serves as secretary for the IEEE 802.11bc Task Group.

The AIML TIG commenced its research activities in July and is expected to conclude in March 2023.

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[To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com]

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Mason Expands Executive Bench with CFO and VP of Operations as Business Accelerates https://aithority.com/it-and-devops/cloud/mason-expands-executive-bench-with-cfo-and-vp-of-operations-as-business-accelerates/ Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:24:26 +0000 https://aithority.com/?p=431396 Mason Expands Executive Bench with CFO and VP of Operations as Business Accelerates

Leaders with Fortune 500 Pedigrees Join to Drive Strategic Growth Initiatives. Mason, innovator of the only fully managed infrastructure for developing and delivering dedicated smart devices,announced the appointment of Phil Moon as CFO and Bernard Richardson as VP of Operations. These new hires to the leadership team will enable the company to expertly scale operations […]

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Mason Expands Executive Bench with CFO and VP of Operations as Business Accelerates

Leaders with Fortune 500 Pedigrees Join to Drive Strategic Growth Initiatives.

Mason, innovator of the only fully managed infrastructure for developing and delivering dedicated smart devices,announced the appointment of Phil Moon as CFO and Bernard Richardson as VP of Operations. These new hires to the leadership team will enable the company to expertly scale operations to meet the rapidly accelerating demand for its products and services.

“To fuel the next phase of growth at Mason, we are investing in leaders who bring the wisdom of their industry experience to help scale every aspect of our business quickly and strategically,” said Nancy Xiao, CEO of Mason. “Phil and Bernard’s expertise in finance and operations and supply chain, respectively, will help us harness Mason’s momentum to reach new heights.”

Phil Moon Joins Mason as CFO with High Growth Company and IPO Expertise

Moon is a seasoned finance leader with previous experience at both top financial services firms and startups including Morgan Stanley, Texas Pacific Group, Square and Grove Collaborative. He recently helped lead Grove’s public listing and previously raised more than $450 million in the private equity markets. Through his career, Moon has closed a number of significant acquisitions, scaled company revenues to more than $300 million and led finance teams across various industries.

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As CFO, Moon will bring his financial proficiency and vision to Mason to support the company’s upward trajectory, implementing enterprise-class processes across the organization. Moon will empower Mason to deploy capital to expand its platform while ensuring there are adequate resources required to reach their operational objectives.

“I’m delighted to join the highly innovative Mason team. They are true pioneers creating a robust market for managed infrastructure for building, deploying and scaling dedicated smart devices,” said Moon. “I look forward to being a steward of the company’s financial health, managing and deploying capital to optimize the company’s allocation of resources and maximizing returns while fostering unprecedented growth.”

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Bernard Richardson Brings Electronics and Mobile Product Experience to the VP of Operations Role

Richardson brings a wealth of relevant experience to Mason having launched products for major electronics and mobile players including Apple, Meta, Amazon and Microsoft throughout his career. He has over 30 years of leadership experience across various industries and functions. With extensive supply chain, engineering and program management expertise, he has a track record of building high-performing, diverse and collaborative teams. At Mason, Richardson will have a hand in further expanding the team and overall operations as well as making new investments that will take the company into its next chapter of growth.

Prior to Mason, Richardson brought many high volume, iconic consumer devices to market and scaled hypergrowth organizations. As Director of Product Operations at Sunrun, he established new product development and prioritization processes as well as managed strategic partnerships execution. As the Director of Product Operations for Meta’s AR/VR Portal, he drove new product introduction and execution from concept through delivery and managed suppliers, partners and cross-functional teams to successfully launch five new products in two years. At Amazon, he drove manufacturing technical and capacity execution for Fire TV and Echo devices.

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“Building high-performing, diverse and collaborative teams is my passion. It’s very meaningful to be a part of a company that champions synergistic teamwork, inclusivity and diversity—Mason places these core values, with which I’m totally aligned, at the heart of the business,” said Richardson. “I’m excited about the opportunity to leverage my broad experience across industry verticals to help extend Mason’s product offerings into fresh form factors and new, groundbreaking solutions that make the world better.”

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[To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com]

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